au Civics and Citizenship curriculum - Get Voting

Links between the Get Voting activities and the Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences - Civics and Citizenship

When using the Get Voting resources for SRC or class elections or as a decision making tool

The Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences - F – 6/7 HASS

Knowledge and understanding
Inquiry question How are decisions made democratically?
Year Level Civics and Citizenship Elaborations
3 The importance of making decisions democratically (ACHASSK 070)
  • Making a decision as a whole class by allowing everyone to have a say and a vote
  • Building empathy by reflecting on how it feels to be included or excluded from making decisions and identifying situations when it is fair for decisions to be made without a majority vote (for example by teachers or parents)
  • Identifying places and situations in communities where decisions are made democratically
Inquiry and skills
Year Level Researching Elaborations
5 Sequence information about people’s lives, events, developments & phenomena using a variety of methods(ACHASS 097)
  • Creating flowcharts that show the stages of a process for example, steps in an electoral process such as a class vote
  Analysing Elaborations
5 Examine primary and secondary sources to determine their origin and purpose(ACHASS 098)
  • Analysing text relating to a school, club or government election (for example speeches, ads, campaign materials, symbols, how to vote cards result records) to determine who created them and their purpose
  Evaluating and Reflecting Elaborations
5 Work in groups to generate responses to issues & challenges(ACHASS 102)
  • Participating in a relevant democratic process (for example, in class votes, mock parliament, school decision making process such as student councils)
Knowledge and Understanding
Inquiry Question What is democracy in Australia and why is it important?
Year level Civics and Citizenship Elaborations
5 The key values that underpin Australia’s democracy(ACHASSK 115)
  • Discussing the meaning of democracy
  • Discussing the meaning & importance of the key values of Australian democracy (for example, freedom of election and being elected)
The key features of the electoral process in Australian(ACHASSK 116)
  • Exploring the secret ballot and compulsory voting as features of Australia’s democracy
  • Recognising the role of the Australian Electoral Commission in administering elections that are open, free and fair
  • Clarifying who has the right to vote and stand for election in Australia
Knowledge and understanding
Inquiry Question What are the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of government in Australia?
Year level Civics and Citizenship Elaborations
6 The responsibilities of electors and representatives in Australia’s democracy(ACHASSK 145)
  • Considering the responsibilities of electors (for example, enrolling to vote, being informed and voting responsibly)
  • Identifying the characteristics that would make for a ‘good’ representative at the local, state/territory of national level)
Knowledge and understanding
Inquiry Question How is Australia’s system of democratic government shaped by the Constitution?
Year level Civics and Citizenship Elaborations
7 The process for constitutional change through a referendum (ACHASSK 194)
  • Describing the process by which referendums to change the constitution are initiated and decided
  • Exploring examples of attempts to change the Australian constitution by referendum (for example, the successful vote on the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967: the unsuccessful vote on the Constitution Alteration (Establishment of a Republic) 1999
  • Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of having a Constitution that can only be amended by referendum

The Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences – Civics and Citizenship 7 – 10

Inquiry question How is Australia’s system of democratic government shaped by the Constitution?
Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding
Year Level Government and democracy Elaborations
7 The process for constitutional change through a referendum (ACHCK 049)
  • Describing the process by which referendums to change the constitution are initiated and decided
  • Exploring examples of attempts to change the Australian constitution by referendum (for example, the successful vote on the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967: the unsuccessful vote on the Constitution Alteration (Establishment of a Republic) 1999
  • Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of having a Constitution that can only be amended by referendum
Civics and Citizenship Skills
  Problem-solving and decision-making Elaborations
7 Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civic or citizenship issue & plan for that action (ACHCS 058)
  • Developing a plan of action that incorporates a consultation process to ensure a range of views are heard & people are provided with opportunities to respond
  Communication and reflection Elaborations
7 Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australia’s democracy (ACHCS 060)
  • Raising awareness of different perspectives
Inquiry question What are the freedoms and responsibilities of citizens in Australia’s democracy?
Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding
Year Level Government and democracy Elaborations
8 How citizens can participate in Australia’s democracy including the use of the electoral system, contact their elected representatives, use lobby groups and direct action (ACHCK 062)
  • Comparing the effectiveness of different forms of participation in Australia’s democracy
  Civics and Citizenship Skills
  Problem-solving and decision-making Elaborations
8 Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action (ACHCS 072)
  • Participating in a simulation to achieve consensus (for example, a mock court case or parliamentary committee)
  Communication and reflection Elaborations
8 Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australia’s democracy (ACHCS 074)
  • Considering how personal experiences and circumstances influence their identity as a citizen and how they relate to others
Inquiry question What influences shape the operation of Australia’s political system?
Civics and Citizenship Skills
Year Level Government and democracy Elaborations
9 Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action (ACHCS 087)
  • Considering the most appropriate democratic decision-making processes to reach a consensus, such as achieving an absolute majority
Inquiry question What are the features of a resilient democracy?
Civics and Citizenship Skills
Year Level Government and democracy Elaborations
10 Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action (ACHCS 100)
  • Developing a plan for action that takes into account challenges, opportunities, risk and strategies to respond to a civics and citizenship issue
  • Using democratic processes to decide on criteria that can be used to evaluate plans for action to address a civics and citizenship issue